Sunday, September 25, 2011

Standard Program Recent Update (1): HDMI and WHQL


Clarification to HDMI Adopted Trademark and Logo Usage Guidelines

For those Adopters who want to ensure the way of getting HDMI royalty discounted rate (which is $0.05 per unit sold), HDMI Licensing, LLC has recently released a statement to clarify its guidelines. In Attachment B of the Adopter Agreement, it is indicated that Adopter must “reasonably incorporates the Adopted Trademarks on its Licensed Products and related documentation and promotional materials” to receive the royalty discount. HDMI Licensing, LLC also provides a simple understandable formula which is shown below:

Reasonable Incorporation = Compliance + Promotion

This formula also represents that Compliance alone is not a guarantee for royalty discounts. For details about the guidelines and the definition of “related documentation” and “promotional materials”, please refer to the announcement page of HDMI website.

HDMI Licensing, LLC Response to Mini DisplayPort-HDMI Cables

To maintain high level of interoperability among devices that use HDMI technology. HDMI Licensing, LLC recently responds to the existing adapters (cables) on the market today. The DisplayPort to HDMI adapters (Figure 1.) can be tested for HDMI compliance and interoperability because the HDMI Specification and the Compliance Test Specification (CTS) have defined the requirements for such an adapter. However, The Mini DisplayPort to HDMI cable (Figure 2.) is not defined in the HDMI Specification and cannot be tested for compliance or interoperability using the HDMI CTS. For more details please refer to the announcement page of HDMI website.


New Legal Agreements Required after Sept 1, 2011 for Windows Logo Submissions

Starting from Sep. 1, 2011, for both hardware & software Windows logo submissions, new legal agreement shown below must be signed:

•Windows Logo Program Testing Agreement (WLPTA) version 3.0
  (required for HW/ SW submission)
•Windows Logo License Agreement for Hardware (HWLLA) version 2012
  (required for HW submission)
•Windows Logo License Agreement for Software (SWLLA) version 1.5
  (required for SW submission)

Key changes of these legal agreements please refer to the following table, or contact Allion for more information.

windows table 

More updates on WHQL:

- Service Pack 1 Required for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
- Requirement AUDIO-0051 Has Been Retired Effective July 1, 2011
- WLK 1.6 QFE 002 Released: Contains Fix for "Reinstall with IO Before and After" Test

*   The information contained in this article was extracted from Allion e-newsletter:

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